
The purpose of this policy is to guide all AskSME employees and/or volunteers, as it relates to their duties associated with AskSME, in how best to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the AskSME core values and respects the needs of others.

AskSME is committed to:

  1. ‘Conduct’ as an organization and by its employees and/or volunteers that is ethical, legal and consistent with its values and mission.
  2. Opposing any act of discrimination, wrongdoing, corruption, bribery or other financial impropriety, or illegal acts in any of its activities by the organization or any of its employees and/or volunteers.
  3. Taking prompt, firm, and corrective action, whenever and wherever discrimination, wrongdoing, corruption, financial impropriety, or any illegal act of any kind is found.
  4. Having all employees and/or volunteers conducting themselves in a manner that reflects honesty and integrity, and that maintains the effectiveness, values and mission of the organization.
  5. Ensuring these standards of conduct are maintained in all circumstances.


All AskSME employees and/or volunteers are responsible to conduct themselves in a manner that positively benefits AskSME, is consistent with our core values, treats all personnel with dignity and respect, and where applicable, ensures their actions comply with legal and/or regulatory requirements.


Date Effective Feb 1, 2021

  1. AskSME solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission.
  2. Donations will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, without limitations.
  3. In the course of its regular fundraising activities AskSME will accept donations of money, items, personal property, stock, and in-kind services.
  4. Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special liabilities they may pose for AskSME. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include gifts of items, gifts of personal property, and gifts of securities. Restrictions on Gifts: AskSME will not accept gifts that
    • would result in AskSME violating its corporate charter,
    • would result in AskSME losing its status as an IRC § 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization,
    • are too difficult or too expensive to administer in relation to their value,
    • would result in any unacceptable consequences for AskSME, or
    • are for purposes outside AskSME’s mission. Decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift, and its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Executive Director.